Monday, April 20, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, April 20, 2009 (Midday)

Radiant is God’s Light, yet invisible in the secret place of the heart …..
Our whole business, therefore, in this life is to restore to health
the eye of the heart whereby God may be seen.

- Augustine of Hippo

Boy, I sure feel as if I am indeed in the exciting, challenging time of restoring “to health the eye of the heart”! Oh, I have been on the Journey, as I ponder the last 42 years, all that time. But the time of “retirement” …… wonderful for this part of the Process!!

I think I have understood for quite a long time that the deepest power of the Christian religion is in the Myth, in that level of understanding where lies the most sacred and holy Truth. In the last couple of years it has come to the fore. Since I “retired” from parish ministry, I have limited my participation in “church”. But still the most important thing is the Eucharistic Mystery - the being anchored in that Centre of eating and drinking the body and blood of the God, the “knowing” that God is in us and we are in God, that we of the same Oneness and Being. For awhile now, the Eucharistic prayer has “opened up”, sort of Gone Cosmic! I “hear” words that sound rooted in time and place, and yet they transport me to a dimension outside that time and place.

Be a Manifestation of Divine Love. This is the Message. As my “eye of the heart” opens, bit by bit, or now and then, as it gains health, I more and more see what “God” is all essentially about. Day by day, contradictory things fall away from the “picture” of God that most of us were brought up with. With what the Bible "tells us". Until only the core blazing Light of the reality we call “God” shines, and all the limiting accretions are burned away.

Now I know the meaning of words ascribed to Jesus of Nazareth: “My yoke is easy and my burden light”.


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