Monday, April 13, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Tuesday, April 14, 2209

As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice,
and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders
of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is our responsibility.

I cannot think of any circumstances in which advertising would not be an evil.

I do not believe that civilizations have to die because
civilization is not an organism. It is a product of wills.

The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.

- Arnold Toynbee, American historian and philosopher, born on this date, 1889

Lots of “good thoughts” from Arnold! You can ponder on all of them during the day. I love the one about “advertising”; advertising is a work of the “Devil”, seducing us into all kinds of idolatry. But, and I imagine you will not be surprised, I want to comment on the last quote!

The popular interpretation of the Genesis Creation Myth of the expulsion from “the Garden” is that “work” is a punishment for Sin. That “work” is drudgery, enslaving, demeaning. And of course, It IS for many many people in the World today.

Toynbee’s thought is brilliant! And true. Lots of people, including Robert Heinlein, have written about it. Theologically, I agree with his comment. We human beings will have advanced a long way towards what I think of as Authentic Humanity when we have learned to merge/blur the lines between “work” and “play”. When how we “make a living” is parallel to how we “enjoy ourselves”, we will have made a huge evolutionary step, as well as a huge theological step in human development.

Let’s start a revolution! Humanist or “of Faith”. Let’s refuse to make a living at anything we don’t find playful! When we have reached that stage, our adult and child natures will have integrated, and we will have evolved several notches!

I don’t know when we will be able to say “We’ve done it”. But until then, make it your daily Practice! We’ll all be a lot happier!


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