Monday, April 27, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fascism is a religious concept.

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism
because it is a merger of state and corporate power.

- Benito Mussolini, killed near the Swiss
border on this date, 1945

Well, boys and girls: have we learned our lessons??? Somehow, I doubt it. Sigh.

American suffered a form of Fascism between 2000 – 2008, made possible by our American naïveté, and by our appalling indifference to participation in our democracy - and perhaps as well by our ignorance of the principles on which America’s life is founded. Thirty years ago, a friend told me that we would be fascists in 30 years – and he was right. We had eight years of thuggery, and the cold callousness which washes out any tinge of justice or dignity. The State colluded with Corporatism, greed and money (i.e., idols) reigned, and millions of American citizens will as a result continue to grovel in poverty and sickness, both of body and spirit, for I suspect a very long time to come.

Many Americans today worship a Fascist God. What we call Fundamentalism is a fascist religious concept, supported by the power of a corrupt State. Tight control of others, intimidation, fear tactics, authoritarianism – this is what many religious people of all stripes both in America and in the World have twisted Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Evangelicalism etc. into, portraying God as the Ultimate Fascist wielding power in pursuit of ultimate control. In the process, making a grotesque parody of the God of Love. It is a joy to me to see that the number of people in America claiming to be atheists or of no religion is increasing. It gives me some hope that some human beings have managed to retain their essential humanity.

“God” is not a Fascist controlling Humanity. “God” lives in each of us, suffers with us, and raises us to Glory – all from a position of utter vulnerability. That vulnerability teaches us that serving others in love is the path to wholeness and peace. To those who learn the lesson comes Freedom and yes, ecstasy.

Let us reclaim both the State and Religion from Fascism. That, for a Christian, is the true meaning of “taking up the cross” and following the Christ.


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