Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"O Trinity, eternal Trinity! Fire, abyss of love . . .

Was it necessary that you should give

Even the Holy Trinity as food for souls? . . .

You gave us not only your Word

Through the Redemption and in the Eucharist,

But you also gave yourself

In the fullness of love for your creature."

- Catherine of Siena, on her feast day in
the Episcopal Church Calendar

Beautiful, isn’t it! Leave aside the theological/doctrinal bits – they are a “given” for someone who lived in that time and culture.

But! “See” what it says about the understanding of “God”. This is what I love about people like Catherine of Siena. And my awe is not diminished by having walked, many years ago now, into the Duomo in Siena, and seeing at an altar the skull of Catherine draped in her monastic veil! I have to admit, I rather like the whole “relic” thing - simply because it deftly integrates human and divine. Think about it!

Just wonder at the words - and more importantly at the vision behind the words. Catherine got it right! She understood that All Things are One with “God”. She also got it right that the human spirit innately comprehends this Mystery! This is the blessing of those we call “mystics”. They remind us that all that Exists, in every dimension, comprehensible and incomprehensible, visible and invisible, is connected and woven together.

Our “modern” world has deeply dulled this intuitive understanding. Even worse, dull, narrow modern (and usually “religious”) minds have dulled the complex Mystery of Being. Catherine of Siena was not cowed by rationality. She understood at the level of the “soul” that human life is infused with the Divine Mystery – Word, “Sacrament”. The Heart’s “bottom line” is to say Yes to our Union with all things. Including with “God”.

Perhaps today, a prayer of longing for the grace to Say Yes would be a special gift to ourselves?


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